Source code for radical.pilot.pilot_manager

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013-2016,"
__license__   = "MIT"

import os
import copy
import time
import pprint
import threading as mt

import radical.utils as ru

from .  import utils     as rpu
from .  import states    as rps
from .  import constants as rpc
from .  import types     as rpt

from .staging_directives import expand_staging_directives

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[docs]class PilotManager(rpu.Component): """ A PilotManager manages :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances that are submitted via the :func:`radical.pilot.PilotManager.submit_pilots` method. It is possible to attach one or more :ref:`chapter_machconf` to a PilotManager to outsource machine specific configuration parameters to an external configuration file. **Example**:: s = radical.pilot.Session(database_url=DBURL) pm = radical.pilot.PilotManager(session=s) pd = radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription() pd.resource = "futuregrid.alamo" pd.cpus = 16 p1 = pm.submit_pilots(pd) # create first pilot with 16 cores p2 = pm.submit_pilots(pd) # create second pilot with 16 cores # Create a workload of 128 '/bin/sleep' compute units compute_units = [] for unit_count in range(0, 128): cu = radical.pilot.ComputeUnitDescription() cu.executable = "/bin/sleep" cu.arguments = ['60'] compute_units.append(cu) # Combine the two pilots, the workload and a scheduler via # a UnitManager. um = radical.pilot.UnitManager(session=session, scheduler=radical.pilot.SCHEDULER_ROUND_ROBIN) um.add_pilot(p1) um.submit_units(compute_units) The pilot manager can issue notification on pilot state changes. Whenever state notification arrives, any callback registered for that notification is fired. NOTE: State notifications can arrive out of order wrt the pilot state model! """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def __init__(self, session): """ Creates a new PilotManager and attaches is to the session. **Arguments:** * session [:class:`radical.pilot.Session`]: The session instance to use. **Returns:** * A new `PilotManager` object [:class:`radical.pilot.PilotManager`]. """ self._bridges = dict() self._components = dict() self._pilots = dict() self._pilots_lock = mt.RLock() self._callbacks = dict() self._pcb_lock = mt.RLock() self._terminate = mt.Event() self._closed = False self._rec_id = 0 # used for session recording for m in rpt.PMGR_METRICS: self._callbacks[m] = dict() cfg = ru.read_json("%s/configs/pmgr_%s.json" \ % (os.path.dirname(__file__), os.environ.get('RADICAL_PILOT_PMGR_CFG', 'default'))) assert(cfg['db_poll_sleeptime']), 'db_poll_sleeptime not configured' # initialize the base class (with no intent to fork) self._uid = ru.generate_id('pmgr') cfg['owner'] = self.uid rpu.Component.__init__(self, cfg, session) self.start(spawn=False) # only now we have a logger... :/'<<create pilot manager') # The output queue is used to forward submitted pilots to the # launching component. self.register_output(rps.PMGR_LAUNCHING_PENDING, rpc.PMGR_LAUNCHING_QUEUE) # we also listen on the control pubsub, to learn about completed staging # directives self.register_subscriber(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, self._staging_ack_cb) self._active_sds = dict() self._sds_lock = mt.Lock() # register the state notification pull cb # FIXME: we may want to have the frequency configurable # FIXME: this should be a tailing cursor in the update worker self.register_timed_cb(self._state_pull_cb, timer=self._cfg['db_poll_sleeptime']) # also listen to the state pubsub for pilot state changes self.register_subscriber(rpc.STATE_PUBSUB, self._state_sub_cb) # let session know we exist self._session._register_pmgr(self)'setup_done', uid=self._uid) self._rep.ok('>>ok\n')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def initialize_common(self): # the manager must not carry bridge and component handles across forks ru.atfork(self._atfork_prepare, self._atfork_parent, self._atfork_child) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _atfork_prepare(self): pass def _atfork_parent(self) : pass def _atfork_child(self) : self._bridges = dict() self._components = dict() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def finalize_parent(self): self._fail_missing_pilots() # terminate pmgr components for c in self._components: c.stop() c.join() # terminate pmgr bridges for b in self._bridges: b.stop() b.join() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def close(self, terminate=True): """ Shuts down the PilotManager. **Arguments:** * **terminate** [`bool`]: cancel non-final pilots if True (default) """ if self._closed: return self._terminate.set()'<<close pilot manager') # we don't want any callback invokations during shutdown # FIXME: really? with self._pcb_lock: for m in rpt.PMGR_METRICS: self._callbacks[m] = dict() # If terminate is set, we cancel all pilots. if terminate: self.cancel_pilots(_timeout=10) # if this cancel op fails and the pilots are s till alive after # timeout, the pmgr.launcher termination will kill them self.stop()"Closed PilotManager %s." % self._uid) self._closed = True self._rep.ok('>>ok\n')
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[docs] def is_valid(self, term=True): # don't check during termination if self._closed: return True return super(PilotManager, self).is_valid(term)
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[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary representation of the PilotManager object. """ ret = { 'uid': self.uid, 'cfg': self.cfg } return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the PilotManager object. """ return str(self.as_dict()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _state_pull_cb(self): if self._terminate.is_set(): return False # pull all pilot states from the DB, and compare to the states we know # about. If any state changed, update the known pilot instances and # push an update message to the state pubsub. # pubsub. # FIXME: we also pull for dead pilots. That is not efficient... # FIXME: this needs to be converted into a tailed cursor in the update # worker # FIXME: this is a big and frequently invoked lock pilot_dicts = self._session._dbs.get_pilots(pmgr_uid=self.uid) for pilot_dict in pilot_dicts: if not self._update_pilot(pilot_dict, publish=True): return False return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _state_sub_cb(self, topic, msg): if self._terminate.is_set(): return False self._log.debug('state event: %s', msg) cmd = msg.get('cmd') arg = msg.get('arg') if cmd != 'update': self._log.debug('ignore state cb msg with cmd %s', cmd) return True if isinstance(arg, list): things = arg else : things = [arg] for thing in things: if 'type' in thing and thing['type'] == 'pilot': # we got the state update from the state callback - don't # publish it again if not self._update_pilot(thing, publish=False): return False return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _update_pilot(self, pilot_dict, publish=False, advance=True): # FIXME: this is breaking the bulk! pid = pilot_dict['uid'] state = pilot_dict['state'] with self._pilots_lock: # we don't care about pilots we don't know if pid not in self._pilots: return True # this is not an error # only update on state changes current = self._pilots[pid].state target = pilot_dict['state'] if current == target: return True target, passed = rps._pilot_state_progress(pid, current, target) # print '%s current: %s' % (pid, current) # print '%s target : %s' % (pid, target ) # print '%s passed : %s' % (pid, passed ) if target in [rps.CANCELED, rps.FAILED]: # don't replay intermediate states passed = passed[-1:] for s in passed: # print '%s advance: %s' % (pid, s ) # we got state from either pubsub or DB, so don't publish again. # we also don't need to maintain bulks for that reason. pilot_dict['state'] = s self._pilots[pid]._update(pilot_dict) if advance: self.advance(pilot_dict, s, publish=publish, push=False) if s in [rps.PMGR_ACTIVE]:'pilot %s is %s: %s [%s]', \ pid, s, pilot_dict.get('lm_info'), pilot_dict.get('lm_detail')) return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _call_pilot_callbacks(self, pilot_obj, state): with self._pcb_lock: for cb_name, cb_val in self._callbacks[rpt.PILOT_STATE].iteritems(): cb = cb_val['cb'] cb_data = cb_val['cb_data'] # print ' ~~~ call PCBS: %s -> %s : %s' % (self.uid, self.state, cb_name) self._log.debug('pmgr calls cb %s for %s', pilot_obj.uid, cb) if cb_data: cb(pilot_obj, state, cb_data) else : cb(pilot_obj, state) # print ' ~~~~ done PCBS' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _pilot_staging_input(self, pilot, directives): ''' Run some staging directives for a pilot. We pass this request on to the launcher, and wait until the launcher confirms completion on the command pubsub. ''' # add uid, ensure its a list, general cleanup sds = expand_staging_directives(directives) uids = [sd['uid'] for sd in sds] self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd' : 'pilot_staging_input_request', 'arg' : {'pilot' : pilot, 'sds' : sds}}) # keep track of SDS we sent off for sd in sds: sd['pmgr_state'] = rps.NEW self._active_sds[sd['uid']] = sd # and wait for their completion with self._sds_lock: sd_states = [sd['pmgr_state'] for sd in self._active_sds.values() if sd['uid'] in uids] while rps.NEW in sd_states: time.sleep(1.0) with self._sds_lock: sd_states = [sd['pmgr_state'] for sd in self._active_sds.values() if sd['uid'] in uids] if rps.FAILED in sd_states: raise RuntimeError('pilot staging failed') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _staging_ack_cb(self, topic, msg): ''' update staging directive state information ''' cmd = msg.get('cmd') arg = msg.get('arg') if cmd != 'pilot_staging_input_result': return True with self._sds_lock: for sd in arg['sds']: if sd['uid'] in self._active_sds: self._active_sds[sd['uid']]['pmgr_state'] = sd['pmgr_state'] return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def uid(self): """ Returns the unique id. """ return self._uid # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def list_pilots(self): """ Returns the UIDs of the :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilots` managed by this pilot manager. **Returns:** * A list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` UIDs [`string`]. """ self.is_valid() with self._pilots_lock: ret = self._pilots.keys() return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def submit_pilots(self, descriptions): """ Submits on or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` instances to the pilot manager. **Arguments:** * **descriptions** [:class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription` or list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription`]: The description of the compute pilot instance(s) to create. **Returns:** * A list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` objects. """ from .compute_pilot import ComputePilot self.is_valid() ret_list = True if not isinstance(descriptions, list): ret_list = False descriptions = [descriptions] if len(descriptions) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot submit no pilot descriptions')'<<submit %d pilot(s)\n\t' % len(descriptions)) # create the pilot instance pilots = list() pilot_docs = list() for pd in descriptions : if not pd.runtime: raise ValueError('pilot runtime must be defined') if pd.runtime <= 0: raise ValueError('pilot runtime must be positive') if not pd.cores: raise ValueError('pilot size must be defined') if not pd.resource: raise ValueError('pilot target resource must be defined') pilot = ComputePilot(pmgr=self, descr=pd) pilots.append(pilot) pilot_doc = pilot.as_dict() pilot_docs.append(pilot_doc) # keep pilots around with self._pilots_lock: self._pilots[pilot.uid] = pilot if self._session._rec: ru.write_json(pd.as_dict(), "%s/%s.batch.%03d.json" \ % (self._session._rec, pilot.uid, self._rec_id)) if 'resource' in pd and 'cores' in pd: self._rep.plain('[%s:%s]\n\t' % (pd['resource'], pd['cores'])) elif 'resource' in pd: self._rep.plain('[%s]\n\t' % pd['resource']) # initial state advance to 'NEW' # FIXME: we should use update_pilot(), but that will not trigger an # advance, since the state did not change. We would then miss # the profile entry for the advance to NEW. So we here basically # only trigger the profile entry for NEW. self.advance(pilot_docs, state=rps.NEW, publish=False, push=False) if self._session._rec: self._rec_id += 1 # insert pilots into the database, as a bulk. self._session._dbs.insert_pilots(pilot_docs) # Only after the insert can we hand the pilots over to the next # components (ie. advance state). for pd in pilot_docs: pd['state'] = rps.PMGR_LAUNCHING_PENDING self._update_pilot(pd, advance=False) self.advance(pilot_docs, publish=True, push=True) self._rep.ok('>>ok\n') if ret_list: return pilots else : return pilots[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def get_pilots(self, uids=None): """Returns one or more compute pilots identified by their IDs. **Arguments:** * **uids** [`string` or `list of strings`]: The IDs of the compute pilot objects to return. **Returns:** * A list of :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilot` objects. """ self.is_valid() if not uids: with self._pilots_lock: ret = self._pilots.values() return ret ret_list = True if (not isinstance(uids, list)) and (uids is not None): ret_list = False uids = [uids] ret = list() with self._pilots_lock: for uid in uids: if uid not in self._pilots: raise ValueError('pilot %s not known' % uid) ret.append(self._pilots[uid]) if ret_list: return ret else : return ret[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def wait_pilots(self, uids=None, state=None, timeout=None): """ Returns when one or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilots` reach a specific state. If `pilot_uids` is `None`, `wait_pilots` returns when **all** ComputePilots reach the state defined in `state`. This may include pilots which have previously terminated or waited upon. **Example**:: # TODO -- add example **Arguments:** * **pilot_uids** [`string` or `list of strings`] If pilot_uids is set, only the ComputePilots with the specified uids are considered. If pilot_uids is `None` (default), all ComputePilots are considered. * **state** [`string`] The state that ComputePilots have to reach in order for the call to return. By default `wait_pilots` waits for the ComputePilots to reach a terminal state, which can be one of the following: * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.DONE` * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.FAILED` * :data:`radical.pilot.rps.CANCELED` * **timeout** [`float`] Timeout in seconds before the call returns regardless of Pilot state changes. The default value **None** waits forever. """ self.is_valid() if not uids: with self._pilots_lock: uids = list() for uid,pilot in self._pilots.iteritems(): if pilot.state not in rps.FINAL: uids.append(uid) if not state: states = rps.FINAL elif isinstance(state, list): states = state else: states = [state] ret_list = True if not isinstance(uids, list): ret_list = False uids = [uids]'<<wait for %d pilot(s)\n\t' % len(uids)) start = time.time() to_check = None with self._pilots_lock: for uid in uids: if uid not in self._pilots: raise ValueError('pilot %s not known' % uid) to_check = [self._pilots[uid] for uid in uids] # We don't want to iterate over all pilots again and again, as that would # duplicate checks on pilots which were found in matching states. So we # create a list from which we drop the pilots as we find them in # a matching state self._rep.idle(mode='start') while to_check and not self._terminate.is_set(): self._rep.idle() to_check = [pilot for pilot in to_check \ if pilot.state not in states and \ pilot.state not in rps.FINAL] if to_check: if timeout and (timeout <= (time.time() - start)): self._log.debug ("wait timed out") break time.sleep (0.1) self._rep.idle(mode='stop') if to_check: self._rep.warn('>>timeout\n') else : self._rep.ok( '>>ok\n') # grab the current states to return state = None with self._pilots_lock: states = [self._pilots[uid].state for uid in uids] # done waiting if ret_list: return states else : return states[0]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _fail_missing_pilots(self): ''' During termination, fail all pilots for which we did not manage to obtain a final state - we trust that they'll follow up on their cancellation command in due time, if they can ''' with self._pilots_lock: for pid in self._pilots: pilot = self._pilots[pid] if pilot.state not in rps.FINAL: self.advance(pilot.as_dict(), rps.FAILED, publish=True, push=False) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def cancel_pilots(self, uids=None, _timeout=None): """ Cancel one or more :class:`radical.pilot.ComputePilots`. **Arguments:** * **uids** [`string` or `list of strings`]: The IDs of the compute pilot objects to cancel. """ self.is_valid() self._log.debug('in cancel_pilots: %s', ru.get_stacktrace()) if not uids: with self._pilots_lock: uids = self._pilots.keys() if not isinstance(uids, list): uids = [uids] with self._pilots_lock: for uid in uids: if uid not in self._pilots: raise ValueError('pilot %s not known' % uid) self.publish(rpc.CONTROL_PUBSUB, {'cmd' : 'cancel_pilots', 'arg' : {'pmgr' : self.uid, 'uids' : uids}}) self.wait_pilots(uids=uids, timeout=_timeout)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def register_callback(self, cb, metric=rpt.PILOT_STATE, cb_data=None): """ Registers a new callback function with the PilotManager. Manager-level callbacks get called if the specified metric changes. The default metric `PILOT_STATE` fires the callback if any of the ComputePilots managed by the PilotManager change their state. All callback functions need to have the same signature:: def cb(obj, value, cb_data) where ``object`` is a handle to the object that triggered the callback, ``value`` is the metric, and ``data`` is the data provided on callback registration.. In the example of `PILOT_STATE` above, the object would be the pilot in question, and the value would be the new state of the pilot. Available metrics are: * `PILOT_STATE`: fires when the state of any of the pilots which are managed by this pilot manager instance is changing. It communicates the pilot object instance and the pilots new state. """ # FIXME: the signature should be (self, metrics, cb, cb_data) if metric not in rpt.PMGR_METRICS : raise ValueError ("Metric '%s' is not available on the pilot manager" % metric) with self._pcb_lock: cb_name = cb.__name__ self._callbacks[metric][cb_name] = {'cb' : cb, 'cb_data' : cb_data}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def unregister_callback(self, cb, metric=rpt.PILOT_STATE): if metric and metric not in rpt.PMGR_METRICS : raise ValueError ("Metric '%s' is not available on the pilot manager" % metric) if not metric: metrics = rpt.PMGR_METRICS elif isinstance(metric, list): metrics = metric else: metrics = [metric] with self._pcb_lock: for metric in metrics: if cb: to_delete = [cb.__name__] else: to_delete = self._callbacks[metric].keys() for cb_name in to_delete: if cb_name not in self._callbacks[metric]: raise ValueError("Callback '%s' is not registered" % cb_name) del(self._callbacks[metric][cb_name])
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