Source code for radical.pilot.compute_pilot_description

#pylint: disable=C0301, C0103, W0212, E1101, R0903

.. module:: radical.pilot.compute_pilot_description
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Provides the interface for the ComputePilotDescription class.

.. moduleauthor:: Ole Weidner <>

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013-2014,"
__license__   = "MIT"

import saga.attributes  as attributes

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Attribute description keys
RESOURCE          = 'resource'
ACCESS_SCHEMA     = 'access_schema'
QUEUE             = 'queue'
CORES             = 'cores'
MEMORY            = 'memory'
SANDBOX           = 'sandbox'
OUTPUT            = 'output'
ERROR             = 'error'
RUNTIME           = 'runtime'
CLEANUP           = 'cleanup'
PROJECT           = 'project'
PILOT_AGENT_PRIV  = 'pilot_agent_priv'

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ComputePilotDescription(attributes.Attributes): """A ComputePilotDescription object describes the requirements and properties of a :class:`radical.pilot.Pilot` and is passed as a parameter to :meth:`radical.pilot.PilotManager.submit_pilots` to instantiate a new pilot. .. note:: A ComputePilotDescription **MUST** define at least :data:`resource` and the number of :data:`cores` to allocate on the target resource. **Example**:: pm = radical.pilot.PilotManager(session=s) pd = radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription() pd.resource = "local.localhost" # defined in futuregrid.json pd.cores = 16 pd.runtime = 5 # minutes pilot = pm.submit_pilots(pd) .. data:: resource [Type: `string`] [**`mandatory`**] The key of a :ref:`chapter_machconf` entry. If the key exists, the machine-specifc configuration is loaded from the configuration once the ComputePilotDescription is passed to :meth:`radical.pilot.PilotManager.submit_pilots`. If the key doesn't exist, a :class:`radical.pilot.pilotException` is thrown. .. data:: access_schema [Type: `string`] [**`optional`**] The key of an access mechanism to use. The valid access mechanism are defined in the resource configurations, see :ref:`chapter_machconf`. The first one defined there is used by default, if no other is specified. .. data:: runtime [Type: `int`] [**mandatory**] The maximum run time (wall-clock time) in **minutes** of the ComputePilot. .. data:: sandbox [Type: `string`] [optional] The working ("sandbox") directory of the ComputePilot agent. This parameter is optional. If not set, it defaults to `radical.pilot.sandox` in your home or login directory. .. warning:: If you define a ComputePilot on an HPC cluster and you want to set `sandbox` manually, make sure that it points to a directory on a shared filesystem that can be reached from all compute nodes. .. data:: cores [Type: `int`] [**mandatory**] The number of cores the pilot should allocate on the target resource. .. data:: memory [Type: `int`] [**optional**] The amount of memorty (in MB) the pilot should allocate on the target resource. .. data:: queue [Type: `string`] [optional] The name of the job queue the pilot should get submitted to . If `queue` is defined in the resource configuration (:data:`resource`) defining `queue` will override it explicitly. .. data:: project [Type: `string`] [optional] The name of the project / allocation to charge for used CPU time. If `project` is defined in the machine configuration (:data:`resource`), defining `project` will override it explicitly. .. data:: cleanup [Type: `bool`] [optional] If cleanup is set to True, the pilot will delete its entire sandbox upon termination. This includes individual ComputeUnit sandboxes and all generated output data. Only log files will remain in the sandbox directory. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __init__(self): """Le constructeur. """ # initialize attributes attributes.Attributes.__init__(self) # set attribute interface properties self._attributes_extensible (False) self._attributes_camelcasing (True) self._attributes_register (RESOURCE, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (ACCESS_SCHEMA, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (RUNTIME, None, attributes.INT, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (SANDBOX, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (CORES, None, attributes.INT, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (MEMORY, None, attributes.INT, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (QUEUE, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (PROJECT, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (CLEANUP, None, attributes.BOOL, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) self._attributes_register (PILOT_AGENT_PRIV, None, attributes.BOOL, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) # Allows to select a different pilot agent - for DEVELOPMENT purposes only !! self._attributes_register (PILOT_AGENT_PRIV, None, attributes.STRING, attributes.SCALAR, attributes.WRITEABLE) # explicitly set attrib defaults so they get listed and included via as_dict() self.set_attribute (RESOURCE, None) self.set_attribute (ACCESS_SCHEMA, None) self.set_attribute (RUNTIME, None) self.set_attribute (SANDBOX, None) self.set_attribute (CORES, None) self.set_attribute (MEMORY, None) self.set_attribute (QUEUE, None) self.set_attribute (PROJECT, None) self.set_attribute (CLEANUP, None) self.set_attribute (PILOT_AGENT_PRIV, None) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the object. """ return str(self.as_dict()) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------