5.5. Executing Multiple Commands in a Single ComputeUnit

There are scenarios in which you might want to execute more than one command in a ComputeUnit. For example, you might have to create and change into a directory or load a module or a specific version of a software package before you call your main executable.

In RADICAL-Pilot this can be easily achieved by using /bin/bash as the executable in the radical.pilot.ComputeUnitDescription and either pass a shell script directly as a string argument or transfer a shell script file as part of the ComputeUnit. The former works well for a small set of simple commands, while the second works best for more complex scripts.

5.5.1. Using /bin/bash as Executable

TODO - explain -c and -l

cu = radical.pilot.ComputeUnitDescription()
cu.executable  = "/bin/bash"
cu.arguments   = ["-l", "-c", " this && and && that """]
cu.cores       = 1

5.5.2. Using a Shell-Script File