5.4. Launching Remote / HPC ComputePilots

This chapter describes how to use RADICAL-Pilot to execute ComputeUnits on ComputePilots running on one or more distributed HPC clusters.

As a pilot-job system, RADICAL-Pilot aims to provide a programmable resource overlay that allows a user to efficiently execute their workloads (tasks) transparently across one or more distributed resources.

RADICAL-Pilot has been developed with HPC (High-Performance Computing) clusters as the primary type of distributed resources in mind. Currently RADICAL-Pilot supports HPC clusters running the following queuing systems:

  • PBS / PBS Pro
  • LSF
  • Sun Grid Engine
  • IBM LoadLeveler


RADICAL-Pilot also provides limited support for Grid-style resources based on HTCondor. For more information checkout Launching ComputePilots on HTCondor Grids.

5.4.1. Authentication and Security Contexts

RADICAL-Pilot’s remote capabilities are built to a large extend on top of SSH and SFTP. ComputePilot agents are transferred on-the-fly via SFTP and launched via SSH on the remote clusters. Once a ComputePilot agent has been started, the rest of the communication between RADICAL-Pilot and the agent happens through MongoDB (see diagram below).

|              RADICAL-Pilot              |
      ^                      |
      | <MDB>                | <SSH/SFTP>
      v                      |
 (~~~~~~~~~)           +-----|---------+
 (         )           |  HPC|Cluster  |
 ( MongoDB )           |-----v---------|
 (         )   <MDB>   | +~~~~~~~+     |
 (_________)<----------->| Agent |     |
                       | +~~~~~~~+     |

In order to allow RADICAL-Pilot to launch ComputePilot agents on a remote host via SSH, you need to provided it with the right credentials. This is done via the radical.pilot.Context class.


In order for Context to work, you need to be able to manually SSH into the target host, i.e., you need to have either a username and password or a public / private key set for the host. The most practical way is to set up password-less public-key authentication on the remote host. More about password-less keys can be found HERE.

Assuming that you have password-less public-key authentication set up for a remote host, the most common way to use Context is to set the user name you use on the remote host:

session = radical.pilot.Session(database_url=DBURL)

c = radical.pilot.Context('ssh')
c.user_id = "tg802352"

Once you have added a credential to a session, it is available to all PilotManagers that are created withing this session.

5.4.2. Launching an HPC ComputePilot

You can describe a radical.pilot.ComputePilot via a radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription to the PilotManager:

pdesc = radical.pilot.ComputePilotDescription()
pdesc.resource  = "xsede.stampede"
pdesc.runtime   = 15
pdesc.cores     = 32

pilot = pmgr.submit_pilots(pdesc)

5.4.3. Launching Multiple ComputePilots

5.4.4. Scheduling ComputeUnits Across Multiple ComputePilots

5.4.5. The Complete Example


Make sure to adjust ... before you attempt to run it.

import os
import sys
import datetime
import radical.pilot as rp

# READ: The RADICAL-Pilot documentation: 
#   http://radicalpilot.readthedocs.org/en/latest
# Try running this example with RADICAL_PILOT_VERBOSE=debug set if 
# you want to see what happens behind the scenes!

def pilot_state_cb (pilot, state) :
    """ this callback is invoked on all pilot state changes """

    print "[Callback]: ComputePilot '%s' state changed to %s at %s." % (pilot.uid, state, datetime.datetime.now())

    if  state == rp.FAILED:
        sys.exit (1)

def unit_state_cb (unit, state) :
    """ this callback is invoked on all unit state changes """

    print "[Callback]: ComputeUnit '%s' state changed to %s at %s." % (unit.uid, state, datetime.datetime.now())

    if state in [rp.FAILED] :
        print "stdout: %s" % unit.stdout
        print "stderr: %s" % unit.stderr

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # prepare some input files for the compute units
    os.system ('head -c 100000 /dev/urandom > file1.dat') # ~ 100k input file
    os.system ('head -c 10000  /dev/urandom > file2.dat') # ~ 10k input file

    # Create a new session. A session is the 'root' object for all other
    # RADICAL-Pilot objects. It encapsulates the MongoDB connection(s) as
    # well as security credentials.
    session = rp.Session()

    # Add an ssh identity to the session.
    c = rp.Context('ssh')
    #c.user_id = "alice"
    #c.user_pass = "ILoveBob!"

    # Add a Pilot Manager. Pilot managers manage one or more ComputePilots.
    pmgr = rp.PilotManager(session=session)

    # Register our callback with the PilotManager. This callback will get
    # called every time any of the pilots managed by the PilotManager
    # change their state.
    pdescs = list()

    for i in range (1) :
        # Define a 32-core on stampede that runs for 15 minutes and
        # uses $HOME/radical.pilot.sandbox as sandbox directory.
        pdesc = rp.ComputePilotDescription()
        pdesc.resource  = "local.localhost"
        pdesc.runtime   = 15 # minutes
        pdesc.cores     = 8
        pdesc.cleanup   = True
      # pdesc.queue     = "normal"
      # pdesc.project   = "TG-MCB140109"

        pdescs.append (pdesc)

    # Launch the pilot.
    pilots = pmgr.submit_pilots(pdescs)

    # Combine the ComputePilot, the ComputeUnits and a scheduler via
    # a UnitManager object.
    umgr = rp.UnitManager(

    # Register our callback with the UnitManager. This callback will get
    # called every time any of the units managed by the UnitManager
    # change their state.

    # Add the previsouly created ComputePilot to the UnitManager.

    # Create a workload of 8 ComputeUnits (tasks). Each compute unit
    # uses /bin/cat to concatenate two input files, file1.dat and
    # file2.dat. The output is written to STDOUT. cu.environment is
    # used to demonstrate how to set environment variables within a
    # ComputeUnit - it's not strictly necessary for this example. As
    # a shell script, the ComputeUnits would look something like this:
    #    export INPUT1=file1.dat
    #    export INPUT2=file2.dat
    #    /bin/cat $INPUT1 $INPUT2
    cuds = list()

    for unit_count in range(0, 32):
        cud = rp.ComputeUnitDescription()
        cud.executable    = "/bin/bash"
        cud.environment   = {'INPUT1': 'file1.dat', 'INPUT2': 'file2.dat'}
        cud.arguments     = ["-l", "-c", "cat $INPUT1 $INPUT2"]
        cud.cores         = 1
        cud.input_staging = ['file1.dat', 'file2.dat']

    # Submit the previously created ComputeUnit descriptions to the
    # PilotManager. This will trigger the selected scheduler to start
    # assigning ComputeUnits to the ComputePilots.
    units = umgr.submit_units(cuds)

    # Wait for all compute units to reach a terminal state (DONE or FAILED).

    for unit in units:
        print "* Unit %s (executed @ %s) state: %s, exit code: %s, started: %s, finished: %s, output: %s" \
            % (unit.uid, unit.execution_locations, unit.state, unit.exit_code, unit.start_time, unit.stop_time,

    # Close automatically cancels the pilot(s).

    # delete the test data files
    os.system ('rm file1.dat')
    os.system ('rm file2.dat')

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