10. Testing

10.1. Introduction

Along with RADICAL-Pilot’s functionality, we develop a growing set of unit tests. The unit test source code can be found in src/radical/pilot/tests. You can run the unit tests directly from the source directory without haing to install RADICAL-Pilot first:

export RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_DBNAME=rbtest_`date | md5sum | cut -c 1-32`
python setup.py test


RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_DBNAME creates a somewhat of a random database name for the tests. This prevents interference caused by tests run against the same MongoDB concurrently.

If you run the same command in an environment where RADICAL-Pilot is already installed, the unit tests will test the installed version instead of the source version.

10.2. Remote Testing

The RADICAL-Pilot unit tests use pilot agents launched on the local machine (localhost) by default. However, it is possible to run a subset of the unit tests (src/radical/pilot/tests/remote/) on a remote machine. Remote testing can be controlled via a set of environment variables:

Environment Variable What
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_RESOURCE The name (key) of the resource.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_SSH_USER_ID The user ID on the remote system.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_SSH_USER_KEY The SSH key to use for the connection.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_WORKDIR The working directory on the remote system.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_CORES The number of cores to allocate.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_NUM_CUS The number of Compute Units to run.
RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_TIMEOUT Set a timeout in minutes after which the tests will terminate.

So if for example you want to run the unit tests on Futuregrid’s _India_ cluster (http://manual.futuregrid.org/hardware.html), run

RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_REMOTE_WORKDIR=/N/u/oweidner/radical.pilot.sandbox \
python setup.py test


Be aware that it can take quite some time for pilots to get scheduled on the remote system. You can set RADICAL_PILOT_TEST_TIMEOUT to force the tests to abort after a given number of minutes.

10.3. Adding New Tests

If you want to add a new test, for example to reproduce an error that you have encountered, please follow this procedure:

In the src/radical/pilot/tests/issues/ directory, create a new file. If applicable, name it after the issues number in the RADICAL-Pilot issues tracker, e.g., issue_123.py.

The content of the file should look like this (make sure to change the class name):

import os
import sys
import radical.pilot
import unittest

# DBURL defines the MongoDB server URL and has the format mongodb://user:password@host:port.
# For the installation of a MongoDB server, refer to the MongoDB website:
# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/installation/
if DBURL is None:
    print "ERROR: RADICAL_PILOT_DBURL (MongoDB server URL) is not defined."

DBNAME = 'radicalpilot_unittests'

class TestIssue123(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # clean up fragments from previous tests
        client = MongoClient(DBURL)

    def tearDown(self):
        # clean up after ourselves
        client = MongoClient(DBURL)

    def test__issue_163_part_1(self):
        """ https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/issues/123
        session = radical.pilot.Session(database_url=DBURL, database_name=DBNAME)

        # Your test implementation


Now you can re-install RADICAL-Pilot and run you new test. In the source root, run:

easy_install . && python -m unittest -v -q radical.pilot.tests.issues.issue_123.TestIssue123